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Infinitude in Action: Exploration and Utilization of Infinity
By Korosh Erfani
ILCP Publication House
September 2021
Papers of the CRDI
Center for Research and Development of Infinitylogy
CRDI is an innovative research center to develop the theoretical, methodological and technological tools to know better and to use efficiently the infinity.
CRDI is a multidisciplinary center that works on all the fields and disciplines that could combine and complete each other in order to provide more knowledge and skills on infinity,
We gather information, inspiration, innovation and creation that will be, one day, compiled and structured as an operational discipline called infinitylogy.
Therefore, the infinitylogy is a philo-science that will produce technology to intervene in any phenomenon in order to explore its infinite capacity.
The infinitylogy has for goal to combine and empower philosophy, science and technology in such way that their interconnectedness brings about a new perspective in tall these three fields.
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